Brite-Idea Blog

Cutetastic: Francois Langur Baby
03/03/2009, 3:22 pm
Filed under: Cutetastic | Tags: , ,
baby ginger

baby ginger

I know I haven’t posted a cutetastic pic lately so here it is. This adorable little ginger is a Francois Langur Monkey at the Rotterdam Zoo, in The Netherlands. I totally want to go monkey-nap this little guy and keep him in one of those Baby Pikkolo’s.

Cutetastic: Your Daily Dose
01/29/2009, 10:21 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , ,

Here it is: Your daily dose of the cute. Prepare yourself to be swarmed by cutetastic-warm-feelings. This one is brought to you by the French Bulldog who is absolutely adorable. I want one of these and of course a pug too.

Did somebudy say treatz?

Did somebudy say treatz?

You know, sometimes when I’m having a bad day I just look up puppy pictures and all my troubles melt away. And yes, I meant for that to rhyme. Deal wit it.

Iz all eahrs

Iz all eahrs

Cakes Make Me Feel Like Christmas Inside
01/28/2009, 6:52 pm
Filed under: Randomness | Tags: ,
Via Cake Nouveau Site

Via Cake Nouveau Site

As you may already know, I love baked goods. One of my previous posts was about these awesome Nightmare Before Christmas cakes that I had found and absoultely loved. And then there was the adorable Cookie Monster Cupcake too. I have found a couple of neat little sites that have some amazing and hilarous baked items that you might enjoy. Also, since I posted a couple of neatorific TNBC cakes earlier, here is another one from that is fantastic.

These little cupcake cuties came from Bakerella’s site on blogspot. She even has some instructional posts on how to make other too-pretty-to-eat baked goods. I would try to make some like these but would most likely fail miserably. And speaking of fail, CakeWrecks site has some of the funniest cake disasters I’ve ever seen. You know how your local grocery store has sometimes that bizzare “specialty” cake that you can’t quite make out? Well this site has tons of photos from grocery stores and other bakeries cake mishaps.

Via Bakerella's Site

Via Bakerella's Site

And your eyes melt
01/23/2009, 4:42 pm
Filed under: Cutetastic | Tags: ,
Gimme Gimme
Who is cute?

So I have this thing with Owls. I was driving one night on a back road near by house and I came up on one just sitting the middle of the road. I stopped and then it flew off into the night. It was the weirdest thing. Every since then I have been fascinated by them. I have read that in different cultures they are said to sometimes been a good omen and other times be a bad one. I try to stay optimistic and think it was a good omen. This little baby owl is just cutearific. I don’t actually want him to keep but he sure is adorable to look at…and now my eyes have melted by the cute.

Daily Blah
01/20/2009, 9:11 pm
Filed under: Cutetastic, Randomness | Tags: , ,


So here it is, the daily blah where I yada yada about this and that. Today is a special day though; we are inaugurating President Barack Obama as our 44th president. I have mixed feelings about the coming four years but of course no one can predict the future. I will say this though; I was quite disappointed to hear that the inaugural celebration cost over 160 million dollars.

WTF. Our economy is in a West Virginia outhouse and we are throwing money out the window that could easily being going to people who need it. I mean, I am all for change. The Bush living in our white house for the past 8 years has been a menace to the planet for far too long. But still there are things about policies that will soon take effect that I don’t agree with. I guess you can’t please everybody so we will all just have to wait and see.

Three Dollars??

Three Dollars??

Perhaps they got some of the funds from these Obama water bottles. Clever marketing? Perhaps but doubtful. I would like to know how many of these things they actually sold. People will buy anything these days; from a Cheeto to Scarlett Johansen’s used tissue. Why not Obama-Water? They also had Obama-Sneakers & Flip Flops. Who knew that Obama was so into footwear? The flip flops were a bit odd looking but the sneakers weren’t so bad. I guess I can’t really complain too much because this is the first election that I have really taken part in. I use to hate politics (still do in a way) but I felt like this was a historical moment in my life and I needed to join in. Maybe there were Bush flip flops 8 years ago and even Bush water…well that just sounds dirty.

Cute Power

The power of the Cute

In other news I have found something that I must have. Well, other than the Red Panda Cub. It is a French Bulldog Puppy. I love this little one posted at my favorite puppy site. He is absolutey adorble. My husky Timber totally needs a buddy anyways. He would love this little puppy as much as I would. Either that or he’d think it was a chew toy. Hopefully not the chew toy.

01/20/2009, 4:28 pm
Filed under: Cutetastic | Tags: , ,

Finally he get’s cookies instead of that veggie crap!! Yay for the cookie monster!

In Love
01/15/2009, 4:11 pm
Filed under: Cutetastic | Tags: ,


Okay, so I’ve totally & completly fallen in love with this baby cutetastic creature! It’s called a Red Panda cub and it’s officially my new obession. They apparently have one in Knoxville where a friend of mine lives. Time for a road trip!!!