Brite-Idea Blog

Remakes: What the frackin crap?
01/28/2009, 9:19 pm
Filed under: remake | Tags: , ,
Crying Inside

Crying Inside

Ummm…No. Okay, just no. Listen up American movie makers, think up your own ideas already. I am fed up with these remakes of foreign films that were Awesome just the way they were. Does Hollywood think that we Americans can’t read? Gosh. And honestly, if you can’t think up your own idea, read a book! There are tons of wonderful & compelling novels out there just waiting to hit the big screen.

I have just found out that one of the best comedy’s I’ve ever seen, Death at a Funeral, is going to be remade as an American film. That is just down right insulting. I mean, the original IS IN ENGLISH! And as if that wasn’t bad enough, the role of “Daniel” played by Matthew MacFadyen will now be played by…wait for it…Chris Rock? There are no words. Just no words. That makes about as much sense as Leprechaun 4: In Space (yea, it’s real. Look it up).

As if that wasn’t enough, oh no Hollywood you had to just keep on pushing it. I have also found out that a remake of Let the Right One In is in the works. That was an amazing movie (and book) which should be left completely alone. And furthermore, it was released in the US, which means that literate American audiences have already seen it on the big sceen. Geez…