Brite-Idea Blog

Cave-home: Super Awesome
02/24/2009, 4:31 pm
Filed under: Randomness | Tags: , ,
Dream Home

Dream Home

Man, what I wouldn’t give to have the money to purchase this amazing Cave-dream home in Festus, MO. The Sleeper Family is unfortunately facing foreclosure on their uniquely fantastic home and has put it up for sale on none-other than Ebay(where they originally found the cave itself for sale). The home is equipped with 3 Bedrooms/2 Bathrooms, full kitchen and a massive party room in the furthest interior chamber. It is amazing to watch the transformation here on one of their sites full of pictures documenting the construction. I am totally going to look for cave’s for sale now on EBay!

Cool Stuff: Design Toscano
02/06/2009, 5:31 pm
Filed under: Randomness | Tags: , , ,

This is one of the coolest merchandise sites I’ve seen in a while. The statues and artwork on are really unique and creative. If I had a garden, I would totally include some of these great items in it to freak out the neighbors. The weirder they think you are, the less they want to borrow stuff.

I knew there were sharks in my Pool!

I knew there were sharks in my Pool!

Truly and awesome site. They have indoor stautes too as well as artwork and even office decor. Great Gargoyles too! Oh and since my birthday is coming up (sort of) check out the book ends…hint hint.

Harry & Roswell's Secret

Harry & Roswell's Secret

The Daily Blah
01/24/2009, 1:06 am
Filed under: Randomness | Tags: , , , ,
Meet Zeek
Meet Zeek

So I re-designed my little blogette. I though it needed something other than a header made in Microsoft(c) Paint. Yay for CS3!! Plus this allows me to introduce Zeek, my new mascot. I don’t know if I will keep him but I have recently become fascinated by Zebras. I mean, isn’t it ironic that an animal who has one of the more deadly predators on earth stalking it stands out so much naturally? It’s like in nature the Zebra just decided to say “Yea, I’m here and I’m totally fab!”

I am going to see the new Underworld movie tonight. I don’t have high expectations but it should worth the $8.00 to see it. Hopefully. I like the last two anyways. I will write a review sometime tomorrow. As long as I’m not incapacitated.

Tomorrow will probably suck. And I am not even a glass half empty kind of person but it’s just a factoid that having to wake up at the butt-crack of dawn tomorrow to have a CT scan isn’t exactly morning cartoons and a bowl of cereal. I have no idea what they are going to do in this CT scan thing but hopefully it won’t suck as much as the ultrasound.

Btw, did anyone see The Office last night? That was a classic and there is even a Is Hilary Swank Hot or Not site. I voted too and it was most definitely a yes. She is amazingly talented and not afraid to play roles that don’t make her look like a beauty queen. And 30 Rock was great last night too. I have recently started really liking that show. Yay for Tina Fey!

Too pretty to Eat
01/22/2009, 6:23 pm
Filed under: Randomness | Tags: , ,
Kidnap the Sandy-Claws

Kidnap the Sandy-Claws

So, my b-day is still a ways away but it’s always good to plan ahead. I have been thinking about what kind of cake I want. I had originally decided on a peanut-butter cup cheesecake from this awesome cheesecake place downtown. I had a slice around Christmas and fell in love with it. But then I thought I would just check out some cakes around the net and see if there was anything interesting.

Luckily I found two amazing Nightmare Before Christmas cakes that are too incredible to eat. The flickr account they are on has many other great cakes but these are my favorites. They probably cost a fortune or are one of a kind so I won’t hold my breath for these babies on my special day.

Jack, The Pumpkin King

Jack, The Pumpkin King

I would love to be a baker and make wonderful cakes like these but I’m not much of a cook to be honest. I am learning but still sticking to the box-cakes for now. My last “masterpiece” consisted of a box of cake mix and a can of icing. I did try to make it pretty though!

And speaking of The Nightmare Before Christmas, I heard that at last years San Diego Comic-Con they were selling an actual set piece of the original TNBC. It was very expensive but if I had the money to buy it I would have. That is one of my all time favorite movies. Even though the 3-D version made me a little dizzy. I learned then that the paper-3D glasses suck an the plastic ones rule.