Brite-Idea Blog

Other News
01/15/2009, 7:07 pm
Filed under: Randomness | Tags: , , ,
Not a Zombie

Not a Zombie

So, it’s been a hellepic day. Not just for the girl in the picture but for me as well. And I promise she hasn’t eaten her little brother, she simply likes grape juice…a lot. I like grape juice too and use to love taking as much as I could when we would do communion at my church growing up. (In case you didn’t know Baptists don’t drink alcohol haha <- best joke eva)

I have been having this issue lately with my Cardiologist. You know, the heart doc. He apparently thought last week that there was this hole in my little black heart so he did this ultrasound thingy last Friday. That sucked. They put all this saline in your veins to see where it goes through your heart and it gets absorbed in your lungs. Result: coughing like hell for two hours afterwards. Not to mention the fact that the nurse (or whoever the hell they let puncture my veins) tells me right before I get the IV that she doesn’t do this very often. Comforting…really.

Poor Katy

Poor Katy Perry

The results of this ultrasound are yet to be discovered since I have to wait till I see the doctor next month to even hear them. All the nurse would tell me was that there was a mild abnormality. Whatever that means.

Also, this photo I have above made me giggle. It’s complete offensiveness is why it’s funny I guess, kind of like South Park. I actually like that Katy Perry song but I tend to like songs because of the music not the lyrics.  Plus I found it to be a bit ironic that the Pastor of this church is male…apparently he’s not into kissing girls.