Brite-Idea Blog

I’m Back (from outer webspace)
11/28/2010, 4:02 am
Filed under: Personal Stuff | Tags: , , ,

It's true Internet, I forgive you

As you may or may not know I had some time ago purchased a domain name of my own and had been running my very own fancy-schmancy website/blog at Well I realized that the best thing for me to do was revert back to this simple yet completely lovable wordpress blogette where I did some of my best (and most consistent) writing.

Other reasons for abandoning my geeky domain were of course factors (who will remain nameless and soulless) but that’s neither here nor there. Word to the webwise: Never, ever, put your blogs Google adsense account in the name of someone not worthy of anyone’s trust. Lesson learned.

So, whew, here I am. As usual hoping for the best. Hope you continue to enjoy.